Our ESG/SRI approach
Giving coherence to your savings
We believe that by analysing issuers’ financial fundamentals and also their environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and engagements, we are able to identify investment opportunities and risks more clearly and can therefore reconcile ESG impact with resilience and financial returns.
Under this strong conviction, Promepar AM has adopted a responsible approach over many years, in line with the Bred group’s broader engagement promoting more sustainable finance.
Promepar AM participates in developing sustainable finance
By prioritising and focusing on investments in companies applying best practices in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
By engaging in constructive dialogue with issuers: our shareholder engagement policy.
By voting at the annual shareholder meetings of the issuers held in our portfolios, under a strict voting policy.
By regularly updating our Bred network and our clients on sustainable finance news (companies, investors, regulators, government bodies, supranational organisations, civil society, etc.).
By signing the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
By supporting organisations engaged in responsible finance including the Association Ethique et Investissement which launched the first French ethical fund in 1983, and the Association Française de la Gestion financière.
By donating a proportion of our Bred Sélection ISR fund’s management fees to foundations involved in education & equal opportunities.
Promepar AM integrates ESG throughout its assets under management
Promepar AM takes extra financial criteria (ESG) into account in its managed funds and investment mandates: our ESG policy.
Promepar AM provides socially responsible investment (SRI) solutions
Promepar AM provides SRI solutions through a variety of investment mandate profiles and the Bred Sélection SRI fund :
Investment mandates: 4 types of multi-asset management profiles.
Managed funds : Bred Sélection ISR which combines selectivity, impact investing, sharing and participation with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
February 2022

L'actualité de l'économie responsable !
January 2022 – SRI Flash

The responsible economy’s news
December 2021

L'actualité de l'économie responsable !
November 2021

L'actualité de l'économie responsable !
Rapport d'impact ESG 2021 de BRED Sélection ISR

En analysant les émetteurs à la fois sur leurs fondamentaux financiers mais aussi sur leurs pratiques, leurs engagements et leurs impacts Environnementaux, Sociaux et de Gouvernance (ESG), nous pouvons mieux identifier les opportunités et les risques d’investissement.