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Promepar PME Opportunités lauréat aux Morningstar France Awards 2022 !

Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que Promepar Asset Management a remporté le prix du meilleur fonds actions France Petites/Moyennes Capitalisations, lors des Morningstar France Awards 2022.


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03/06/2022 Monthly Market Newsletter

Mai 2022 - Prudence, même si jusqu’ici (presque) tout va bien…

By Jérôme LIEURY

On pourrait croire qu'il ne s'est pas passé grand-chose sur les marchés d'actions en mai [...]

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03/06/2022 SRI news flash

June 2022


L'actualité de l'économie responsable

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03/06/2022 Expert views

Au sommaire : Walmart, Groupe SEB, Elis et les secteurs automobile et de la défense.


Interview de Marc Favard, Directeur Général de Promepar Asset Management

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17/05/2022 We support them

Promepar AM supports equal opportunities and the transmission of knowledge

SODEL: socio-educational solidarity project in remote areas of Laos

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11/05/2022 The Economy Pages

The acquis may obstruct the visibility

By Brigitte TROQUIER

The first quarter's french growth have lessened concerns, posting a zero performance over the period. The latter may represent a breather after the FY 2021 results which galvanized economic performance and put upward pressure on prices…

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10/05/2022 Expert views

Market analysis & investment strategies

By Arnaud MOREL

Interview with Arnaud Morel, Director of Mandated Management of Promepar Asset Management

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06/05/2022 Expert views

What are the consequences of the rising interest rates on the stock market?


Interview with Marc Favard, CEO of Promepar Asset Management

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06/05/2022 Expert views

What are the CAC40 stocks that impressed us following the release of the first quarter 2022 results ?


Interview with Marc Favard, CEO of Promepar Asset Management

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03/05/2022 SRI news flash

May 2022


Responsible economy news

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