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Promepar AM supports equal opportunities and the transmission of knowledge


SODEL: socio-educational solidarity project in remote areas of Laos

The SODEL association aims to contribute to sustainable and equitable development in Laos by conducting solidarity actions for the more underprivileged.

In Laos, education is compulsory up to secondary school, but educational conditions remain insufficient, especially in isolated rural areas. There is indeed a school equipment shortage and geography remains a considerable challenge for children in remote regions.

Until 2011, the students of the Muong Ngoy school had been struggling with many problems : capacity issues, degraded classrooms , lack of electricity, water and sanitary facilities… Since then, SODEL has worked to improve these conditions by conducting socio-educational and health projects in favor of this school’s students and those of the surrounding villages.

Being convinced of the need to ensure equitable provision of quality education for all children , including those from rural areas and low-income families, we were pleased to support SODEL in a first project, that of latrines construction. The purpose is to provide the school with a reasonable number of latrines in relation to the students’ number and also to strengthen the security conditions for residential females, especially at night.

→ For more information about SODEL

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