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For the attention of shareholders of the Octys Trésorerie mutual fund

By Sandrine DUMAS


We wish to modify the investment strategy and increase the risk/return profile of Octys Trésorerie.

Promepar AM has decided to no longer offer money market funds within its range of mutual funds. Indeed, the outlook for monetary assets remains unfavourable in an environment of low or even negative interest rates and in view of regulatory constraints that are, moreover, likely to become more stringent. We therefore wish to modify the investment strategy and increase the risk/return profile of Octys Trésorerie, which will become a “euro-denominated bonds and other debt securities” classification fund and will be renamed Octys.

Until now, the management objective of the Octys Trésorerie fund, with a monetary classification, has been to obtain, over the recommended investment period of 1 month, a performance greater than or equal to that of the average money market rate (capitalised EONIA) minus the actual management fees of the UCITS.

The objective of the Octys fund will henceforth be to outperform the 12-month EURIBOR net of the Fund’s actual management fees by investing in bond securities issued by private companies and public or semi-public entities with a maximum maturity of 3 years and an average sensitivity to interest rate risk of between -1 and 2.

The recommended investment period will be 1 year.

If this transaction does not meet your wishes, you may redeem your units at any time without charge.

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