The Economy Pages
Emerging countries facing fragility

The Ukrainian-Russian conflict is further weakening the emerging countries which were barely coming out from the pandemic.
The lower growth recorded during the 2021 recovery was already struggling to convince investors to stake their fortunes again in this zone. The latter attracted capital with growth rates well above those of advanced countries. This is now less often the case.
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03/06/2022 Monthly Market Newsletter
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Mai 2022 - Prudence, même si jusqu’ici (presque) tout va bien…

On pourrait croire qu'il ne s'est pas passé grand-chose sur les marchés d'actions en mai [...]
03/06/2022 Expert views
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Au sommaire : Walmart, Groupe SEB, Elis et les secteurs automobile et de la défense.

Interview de Marc Favard, Directeur Général de Promepar Asset Management